Dermatosis papulosa nigra Removal
- quick & excellent Results
- Typically only one treatment is required
- smoother & Clearer Skin
- Expert Team of
professionals - Over 1 million
Treatments delivered - Award winning
Clinics Across the UK - Rated 92%
on Trustpilot - 9 Clinics
Across the UK
9 Clinics
Across the UK
Rated 92%
on Trustpilot
Over 1 million Treatments
Award winning
Clinics Across the UK
Expert Team of
What Is Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)
Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) is a harmless skin condition resulting in small, dark bumps on the skin. The bumps are typically less than 1 centimetre in size, and they can be found on the face, neck, chest, or back. Although they are not harmful, DPN can be unsightly and may cause some discomfort.
The cause of dermatosis papulosa nigra is not fully understood; since DPN is most prevalent on the head, neck, and upper trunk – which are more exposed to sunlight – there may be a link between UV exposure and DPN development. It is commonly seen in darker skin types but can occur in any skin type.
What Does DPN Look Like?
DPN usually causes small, black or dark brown, smooth, round, and flat bumps. They range in size from 1 to 5 millimetres and may grow over time. Small flaps might be discovered attached to the lesion occasionally.
The DPN are painless and symptomless, yet they can knock your self-esteem, which is why you might want them removed for cosmetic reasons.
How Does Colaz Remove DPN Permanently?
Advanced electrolysis is one of the most effective treatments available for the permanent removal of DPN. The procedure is virtually pain-free, and often clients describe it feels like pinpricks.
Your clinician will apply the current to the blemish, which will be treated and removed by scraping it off. The skin after treatment will appear grazed and should heal within a few days. Scabs may form, naturally slough away, leaving blemish-free skin.
How Much Does DPN Removal Treatment Cost?
Note: Consultation fee is redeemable against treatment otherwise non refundable.
More Information On The Treatment Process
The First Step is to have a consultation.
Your treatment is the second step.
The Final Step is AfterCare
Book a consultation with an experienced clinician. Your skin blemish will be assessed during your consultation, and a treatment plan will be put into place.
There will be a £30 Consultation fee to be paid when booking an appointment, but this is redeemable against the treatment.
The clinician will mark out the blemish areas and perform the treatment.
You must keep your skin dry and clean. You may have small crust or scabs form after treatment. You mustn't pick these and allow them to slough off naturally. More in-depth aftercare will be given to you during your consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
It's not clear what causes it, but there may be a genetic component or excessive sun exposure—typically seen in darker skin types.
If you're using an over-the-counter medicine, lotions, or any other therapy, you must stop using it two weeks before undergoing electrolysis.
Typically one treatment is required.
No. Everything is included in the price, so you will not incur any extra cost.
After treatment, the area will feel sore, and you may experience tingling in the area. The skin will look slightly grazed, and scabs may form - you must allow these to slough off naturally and not pick them as this will lead to scarring, hyper or hypopigmentation.
There is always a risk involved when undergoing treatment - providing you follow all the aftercare advice given the risk of scarring is minimal. You must entirely leave all scabs alone and allow them to slough off naturally.
At the treatment time, you may feel a tingling sensation, and there may be some discomfort. Your clinician will continuously assess your comfort levels.
If treated correctly, the blemish will not reoccur; however, if you are prone to DPN, you can develop new ones in other areas.