- A semi-permanent tattoo
- A technique used to create fashionably
natural and fuller look
- Expert Team of
professionals - Over 1 million
Treatments delivered - Award winning
Clinics Across the UK - Rated 92%
on Trustpilot - 9 Clinics
Across the UK
Award winning
Clinics Across the UK
Expert Team of
Over 1 million Treatments
9 Clinics
Across the UK
Rated 92%
on Trustpilot
The Ultimate Guide to Microblading
Semi-permanent eyebrows or eyebrow blading is one of the latest popular trends for those seeking to fully reconstruct, cover or enhance their facial definition. An almost trompe l’œil technique, microblading’s delicacy can surpass permanent makeup that can be almost Sharpie-like at times. The hot-new treatment helps those who need to fill-in overplucked brows or simply gain the natural arch they’ve always desired.
A true microblading expert practically embroiders the face with delicate strokes to imitate the effect of real hairs. The effects of a good microblading procedure can last from 12-24 months, dependent on individual skin types. After this time the pigment starts to fade, leaving the skin and your natural brows looking exactly as they were before. If done properly, microblading results can look very simple and realistic, leaving you with eyebrows that complement today’s fashionably natural and fuller look.
The Perfect Eyebrows
Sadly, not all of us are blessed with the eyebrows of our favourite supermodel. And for many the thought of painstakingly drawing them in everyday for the rest of our lives can seem . . . daunting. Microblading could be the solution you are looking for therefore. However, there are a few things you need to know before you consider the procedure:
Microblading or eyebrow tattoos are exactly that: tattoos. Any form of cosmetic tattooing should be undertaken with full care and comprehensive research. Whenever any treatment involves breaking the skin, no matter how small, your infection risks go up. Microblading should therefore be carried out in completely sterile conditions. While it is a form of tattooing, microblading tools are very different from traditional tattooing ones. Speak out if the microblading technician looks to be using the wrong tools.
Pigments should be chosen to match your natural or desired eyebrow colour. It’s important that skin tone is also taken into consideration during your consultation. Oily skin is more likely to reject the pigment and can look powder-filled at the end rather than leaving you with distinctive hair strokes. Your eyebrows are not symmetrical because your face is not symmetrical, so have realistic expectations. This is true for everyone before you get worried!
The colour will fade after the first week of healing. If you’re concerned for any reason post-treatment though, consult your microblading technician. Microbladed eyebrows will eventually fade away if you don’t get any additional touch-ups. Eyebrows can be fixed!
Microblading Techniques
You should always get two sessions with microblading. The first session is the initial shaping and eyebrow tattooing, and the second is a follow-up and touch-up session to fill in any faded areas or fix up the shape. This should happen around 4-6 weeks after the first session. A touch-up session is always necessary as not everyone heals the same and the outcome can vary from session to session. The pigment colour may need to be altered slightly, the brow thickness may need adjusting, and more hair strokes can be added in as required.
In order for cosmetic tattooing to fade properly and look as natural as possible, the delicate microblade nicks should not go any deeper than the first couple of layers of skin. If a traditional tattooing machine is used for cosmetic work, the colour will most likely never fade and the only way to get rid of the pigment is through laser removal.
How Long Does Microblading Take to Heal?
Follow a comprehensive healing routine to the
letter following your microblading treatment.
- Don’t let your eyebrows get wet
- Don’t touch the skin around your eyebrows
- Don’t apply makeup to the area for the first 7-10 days
- Avoid sweating too much in the first week
- Above all, don’t itch or pick at the scabs that form
- Apply the aftercare balm daily as instructed
- Avoid direct sun exposure for the first two weeks
- Avoid swimming, sun beds, and saunas/jacuzzis for the first 7-10 days
- Avoid face scrubs and chemical peels for two weeks after the treatment
How Long Does Microblading Take to Heal?
Follow a comprehensive healing routine to the
letter following your microblading treatment.
- Don’t let your eyebrows get wet
- Don’t touch the skin around your eyebrows
- Don’t apply makeup to the area for the first 7-10 days
- Avoid sweating too much in the first week
- Above all, don’t itch or pick at the scabs that form
- Apply the aftercare balm daily as instructed
- Avoid direct sun exposure for the first two weeks
- Avoid swimming, sun beds, and saunas/jacuzzis for the first 7-10 days
- Avoid face scrubs and chemical peels for two weeks after the treatment
Microblading Don’ts
Drinking alcohol, taking aspirin, or using any form of medicinal blood thinners are not advised at least one week prior to your treatment. All of these making your blood run quicker and thinner which can critically affect the microblading treatment.
Don’t tan before your microblading. It’s best to let the technician assess you based on your natural skin colour to ensure you look get the best possible pigment match.
Don’t have any facial scrubs or chemical peels for at least two weeks before the treatment.
Microblading Don’ts
- Drinking alcohol, taking aspirin, or using any form of medicinal blood thinners are not advised at least one week prior to your treatment. All of these making your blood run quicker and thinner which can critically affect the microblading treatment.
Don’t tan before your microblading. It’s best to let the technician assess you based on your natural skin colour to ensure you look get the best possible pigment match.
- Don’t have any facial scrubs or chemical peels for at least two weeks before the treatment.
More Information On The Microblading Treatment Process
The First Step is to have a consultation.
Your treatment is the second step.
The Final Step is
The first step is to come in for a free consultation, and the skin specialist will look at your skin and discuss your concerns.
During a microblading procedure, a technician uses a special instrument to make precise incisions in the skin. The instrument is made up of numerous needles connected to a handle. The technician fills the cuts with pigment to give the illusion of eyebrow hairs. Your choice of pigment colour will be determined by your preference.
Avoid getting the area wet for 10 days, which includes avoiding taking a shower with your face wet.
Don't apply any cosmetics for at least a week. This is because the colour pigments are still settling into the shallow wounds in your skin caused by the blade.
Don't pick at scabs, tug on, or itch the brow region.
Until the region is completely healed and you have a follow-up visit, avoid saunas, swimming, and excessive sweating.
Keep your hair out of the way of your brow line.
Apply any medicated lotion or balm supplied by your technician as directed.
How Much Does Microblading Treatment Cost?