Lemon Bottle
Skin Booster Injections
- Improves Skin Texture
- Improves Skin Hydration
- Improves Elasticity
- Expert Team of
professionals - Over 1 million
Treatments delivered - Award winning
Clinics Across the UK - Rated 92%
on Trustpilot - 9 Clinics
Across the UK
Expert Team of
9 Clinics
Across the UK
Rated 92%
on Trustpilot
Award winning
Clinics Across the UK
Over 1 million Treatments
What Is Lemon Bottle?
Lemon Bottle Skin booster is also known as lemon bottle mesotherapy.
It is a cosmetic procedure which involves injecting small amounts of various substances, such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids into the skin. This technique is often used for skin rejuvenation, tightening and reduction of cellulite.
Benefits of Lemon Bottle Skin Booster
and Fine Lines
How Many Treatments Would I Need?
It is advised to have three treatments at 7-14 days interval to complete the skin booster treatment, however a fourth session as ‘’maintenance’’ within a year of having the three sessions.
Who Is Suitable For Lemon Bottle?
Lemon bottle skin booster is suitable for any skin type and any age range providing client is 18 and over.
Which Areas Can Be Treated With Lemon Bottle Skin Booster Injections?
Face and neck can be treated and in addition dark circles, eyebags and crows feet can be smoothed.
What Are The Side Effects Of Lemon Bottle?
Side effects are normal with any injectable treatments. Common side effect with lemon bottle skin booster are:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Minor bruising at the site of injection
Above side effect usually subside within a few days after the treatment.
How Much Does Lemon Bottle Skin Booster
Injections Cost?
Per Treatment
Course of 3
Course of 4
Consultation Fee
Consultation fee is redeemable against treatment otherwise non-refundable.
Consultation Fee
Single x1
Course of 3
Course of 4
Consultation fee is redeemable against treatment otherwise non refundable
More Information On The Lemon Bottle Injection Treatment Process
The First Step is to have a consultation.
Your treatment is the second step.
The Final Step is
- No exercise
- No alcohol
- No hot baths, showers or steam rooms
- No touching the face
- No makeup
- No painkillers containing aspirin
- No other skin treatments within the area
- The aftercare advice will be provided to you on the day of your treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can start seeing results after a few days.
Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours at least to prevent risk of infection. You can exfoliate 72 hours after treatment.
It is advised to not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 48 hours post procedure. Any swelling or redness should disappear within 24 hours. It is also advised to avoid using hot water for 24 hours.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding clients
- Under 18s
- Those undergoing medical treatment on the area being treated