Cellulite is that bumpy, dimpled, cottage cheese look that commonly appears on the butt, legs, thighs, back of the arms, or stomach. Basically, it is an accumulation of fat cells in the middle layer of the skin. This excess fat builds up till it eventually pushes through the connective tissues, causing the top layer of skin to appear bumpy or dimpled.
Although it is not dangerous and poses no health risks, many people are self-conscious about their cellulite and look for ways to reduce, eliminate, or prevent further development.
Cellulite can be caused by a number of factors. So, the most important part of prevention is, understanding why it appears in the first place.
Genetics: If other people in your family have problems with cellulite, there is a good chance that you will too.
Gender: Although cellulite does affect men, it is most common among women.
Hormones: Studies have shown that estrogen is one of the main causes of cellulite. So, women with high levels of estrogen are more likely to develop cellulite.
Diet: A diet that is high in fat and refined carbohydrates has been shown to contribute to cellulite formation.
Lifestyle: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and high levels of stress lead to the buildup of cellulite causing toxins in the body.
Weak Lymphatic System: If the lymphatic system fails to function properly, the body is not able to deliver nutrients to the skin or to eliminate
dangerous toxins that can cause cellulite.
Skin Thickness and Resilience: Cellulite will appear more readily in skin that is thin and less “stretchy” or “elastic”.
Overweight: One of the main causes of cellulite is being overweight or obese.
Lack of Exercise: A sedentary lifestyle can lead to the formation of cellulite, especially on the butt and thighs, from long hours of sitting.
Although cellulite is often blamed on excess weight, it can actually have many causes, which explains why even thinner people will often struggle with lumpy, bumpy skin.
Once you understand what causes cellulite, you can begin making the necessary diet and lifestyle changes to help prevent the problem. Here are a few effective ways that will act as cellulite busters.
Diet: What you eat could be causing your cellulite. Avoid high fat foods and excess carbohydrates since these will cause weight gain. Remember, obesity and overweight are two major causes of cellulite. Also, try to eat carbs earlier in the day because they are harder to digest, and may be stored as fat if eaten too close to bedtime.
To keep your skin healthy and resilient, it is important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and other nutrient rich foods. Also, make sure to drink lots of water to help remove cellulite causing toxins from your body. Many nutritionists and clinicians believe that staying hydrated will minimize the appearance of cellulite and may even prevent its formation.
Exercise: Regular exercise is a great way to keep cellulite from forming. Try to do some aerobic activity at least three times a week and begin adding some light weight lifting to your workout routine. Weight training helps firm muscles and also increases metabolism that will burn fat faster and reduce the formation of cellulite. Exercise will also help you keep off all the extra weight and prevent fat deposits from building up under the skin, causing that unwanted lumpy, dimpled look.
Avoid Toxins: Coffee, alcohol, and smoking have all been associated with faster aging, thinning of the skin, and cellulite formation. High toxin levels also stop the lymphatic system from functioning properly, which can increase the chances of developing cellulite. So, if you want beautiful, firm skin, switch your coffee for a tall glass of water, quit smoking, and limit the amount of alcohol you consume.
Although there are many ways of preventing cellulite, but do not worry in case you have already fallen prey to it. There are some great treatments that will help restore your skin to its original tight, smooth appearance.
But remember, whatever treatment you choose, it is important that you combine it with the above-mentioned lifestyle changes to prevent new cellulite from forming. You can also find out how to reduce cellulite by way of exercise.
Creams: Cellulite creams rarely deliver what they promise. There are many options available, but most contain caffeine, which dehydrates the skin, making it tighter and firmer and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Unfortunately, this effect is usually temporary and does not actually reduce the amount of cellulite present in the flesh.
There are new cellulite creams that contain chemicals such as aminophylline which are much more effective but can burn the skin or cause circulatory problems if not used correctly. Consult your doctor or skin care professional before using any of these cellulite creams.
While creams may work for mild cellulite, many people are often disappointed with the results, especially in severe cases.
Massage and Skin Brushing: Many skin care professionals claim that regular dry skin brushing helps stimulate blood flow and improves the lymphatic system, which will reduce the appearance of cellulite while also preventing further formation.
Some clinicians suggest that massaging the affected areas may help break up the fat deposits and improve circulation, which will allow the body to rid itself of toxins that lead to cellulite and hence get rid of cellulite fast.
Tanning: While tanning won’t eliminate cellulite, it may make it less visible by making the skin darker. So, a little added color may allow you to still wear your bathing suit with confidence.
Liposuction: This is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the body. However, since it removes fat from deep below the skin, it does not
specifically target cellulite, which is just under the surface of the skin. For this reason, some people find that liposuction is an effective cellulite treatment while others find that it actually worsens the condition.
Laser: Laser treatments may be effective at melting the fat to smooth the skin. Therapists know how to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It can also stimulate collagen production so skin becomes tighter and thicker. Laser treatments have varying degrees of success, depending on the severity and location of the cellulite.
Vibrostation Power Plates: Vibration technology has been shown to be very effective in reducing cellulite. The power plates send waves of energy into the body, causing the muscles to contract at very rapid speeds. One short session can be equivalent to a full hour of exercise and can tighten and firm skin to improve the appearance of cellulite.
Lipo Infra Light Laser Treatment: This is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that is both painless and safe. The low lever laser diode can target fatty tissue and cellulite to tighten skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The LED light works together with electro-stimulation to tone and reshape the body and break-down fat for instant results.
Learning how to prevent cellulite is the best way to keep your skin looking firm. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, a few unwanted dimples may appear. In this case, there are many treatments available that can help restore your skin to its previous smooth, tight, and firm beauty. Call a clinician to book your consultation and begin the process of eliminating your cellulite today.