Age Spots Removal
- 100% success rates
- Permanent removal of age spots
- Quick and easy treatment process, typically taking 15-45 minutes
- Expert Team of
professionals - Over 1 million
Treatments delivered - Award winning
Clinics Across the UK - Rated 92%
on Trustpilot - 9 Clinics
Across the UK
Expert Team of
Rated 92%
on Trustpilot
Over 1 million Treatments
9 Clinics
Across the UK
Award winning
Clinics Across the UK
What Are Age Spots?
Age spots, sunspots, sun lentigines, or age marks are small black flat patches that can appear on the skin. They usually vary in size and occur in areas of exposure to the sun, such as the face and hands.
Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation speeds up melanin synthesis, a natural pigment that gives skin its colour. When melanin clumps or is produced excessively on skin that has had years of sun exposure, age spots appear.
Age spots typically start to appear in people over the age of 50, and they become more common as we age. Typically they are often grouped and are generally harmless. Still, often people don’t like their appearance, so for cosmetic reasons, they can be removed or lighted by various treatments.
Effective technologies available to improve your appearance!
What Do Age Spots Look Like?
- Are flat or oval-shaped
- Usually, look tanned or dark brown
- Present in areas of sun exposure, e.g. hands or face
- It can look like freckle size or larger, around 13 millimetres across
- Usually grouped together, making age spots more noticeable
How To Remove Age Spots?
There are many ways you can get rid of age spots, such as
What Is Advanced Electrolysis Procedure?
Advanced electrolysis is a highly effective method for removing age spots. It takes a few minutes to permanently remove these age spots, with patients typically enjoying 100% success rates.
A thermolysis current is applied via a tiny needle that cauterises the age spots. This allows for the electrolysis technique to be effective in eradicating age spots. The process usually only takes 15-45 minutes to complete, depending upon the number of age spots being treated
How Much Does Age Spots Removal Treatment Cost?
Consultation fee is redeemable against treatment otherwise non refundable.
More Information On The Age Spots Removal Treatment Process
The First Step is to have a consultation.
Your treatment is the second step.
The Final Step is AfterCare
Book a consultation with an experienced clinician. Your age spots will be assessed during your consultation, and a treatment plan will be put into place.
There will be a £25 Consultation fee to pay at the point of booking an appointment, but this is redeemable against the treatment.
The clinician will mark out the areas of the blemish and perform the treatment.
You must keep your skin dry and clean. You may have small crust or scabs form after treatment. You mustn't pick these and allow them to slough off naturally. More in-depth aftercare will be given to you during your consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Usually, one treatment is required to treat age spots.
After treatment, the area will feel sore, and you may experience tingling in the area. Scabs and crust will form - you must allow these to slough naturally and not pick them as this will lead to scarring, hyper or hyperpigmentation. It can take up to a few weeks for the skin to completely heal.
There is always a risk involved when undergoing treatment - providing you follow all the aftercare advice given the risk of scarring is minimal. You must entirely leave all scabs alone and allow them to slough off naturally. It is also essential you wear SPF 50 +.
You may feel a tingling sensation at the time of treatment, and there may be some discomfort, but it is very tolerable. Your clinician will continuously assess your comfort levels.
We offer several different options for age spot removal. During your consultation, the clinician will be happy to discuss all options and recommend the best treatment for you.
No. The treated age spot forms a scab typically and will slough off naturally in a few days, and the blemish will disappear.